Frequently Asked Questions

How far do you travel?

We are based in Basildon, Essex.
We travel to anywhere in Essex or a 1 hour radius for free.
Anything outside this 1 hour radius we charge £1 per minute of driving (1-way, assuming good traffic), plus any tolls, congestion charge fees or emission zone fees.
Anything further than 2 hours from Basildon, Essex we also charge for 1 night in a hotel per 2 bar staff (the number of bar staff required will depend on the number of guests at your event). Since hotel rates vary across the country we will personalise a quote for this.

Are you LGBTQIA+ friendly?

Absolutely! We do not discriminate and all are welcome here <3

Do you provide glassware / ice / garnish?

Yes, we provide recyclable plastic cups, as well as ice and garnish. The price of this is included in our drinks prices and dry-hire package.

Will you serve using the bar at the venue rather than bringing your own bar?

Yes, we are happy to use a bar already at the venue. The price is the same either way :)

Can we bring our own drinks with a cash bar package?

Yes, as long as the £1,000 minimum spend is hit you may also have your own drinks available to guests. However we are not able to serve drinks that aren't ours unless you have the Dry Hire package

Will the bar fit?

Please see the "Choose Your Bar" page for dimensions

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