Environmental Impact

Environmental Impact

We do everything we can to reduce our environmental impact

Bamboo Straws
Reusable, sustainable, and biodegradable, bamboo straws help to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the ocean. Marine wildlife has been terribly affected by ocean plastics, and we refuse to contribute to it. 

We understand that for some people with disabilities, plastic straws are an essential. We keep a small supply of plastic straws that are available upon request if you need it!
Biodegradable Cups
Environmentally friendly, sustainable, and plastic-free, using biodegradable cups instead of standard disposable cups reduces rubbish build up and helps to tackle local and global pollution.

Although biodegradable cups are better than traditional disposable ones, the best way for us to help is to encourage our patrons to bring their own cups!
Vegan Options
People choose to be vegan for various reasons, some of which are environmental. To encourage personal choice and reduce our carbon footprint, we provide as many vegan options and alternatives as possible.

If you think we can do better with our environmental and/or local impact, please let us know! We are trying our best to be a sustainable business and your feedback would be appreciated.
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